HL : Zaile, Do you have any plans for today evening?
Zaile : No.
HL : Let's check out Peninsula Plaza then Wala
RJ : Yay! We will show you the best band in town - 'The UnXpected'. You know - they play Dream Theater & Rush. And ofcourse my all time favorites The Beatles :)
Zaile : Allrite! Wala it is then...
HL & RJ accompany Zaile to Peninsula Plaza.
Zaile : Alamak! This is musician's paradise.
HL : Yay! This is heaven.
Zaile quickly picks one small lead guitar for his son from Davis Guitar Shop who refused to give any discount. Never mind. The price was quite reasonable.
HL, Zaile & RJ reach Wala right on time to grab the most wanted table :) Victor plays acoustic before The UnXpected start their gig @9:45pm.
Victor: Thanks for the cheeky smile :) You know - just now during the break bartenders were telling - Look at them sitting in the first row with a guitar. They look quite powerful with the guitar, isn't it?
RJ : Mine is a kid guitar. cannot be powerful
Victor : Allrite guitar god! Wait Shirlyn suan you
As usual, it was an amazing gig by The UnXpected packed with varities of songs - from babies-making-ones to not-so-babies-making-ones. Zaile was a full time musician (lead guitarist) until he got married and started doing what he does today. Apparently, Rene has played with Zaile's band members in Penang. Brandon also knows Zaile's drummer which reinforces - it's a small world :) Zaile was quite impressed with the band and will hopefully plan to have future project meetings in Singapore rather than asking RJ to come to Penang :)
Vineet, another friend of RJ finally decides to visit Singapore. After a hectic day, Vineet & RJ manage to reach Wala on saturday night just in time to grab a not-so-far-from-the-most-wanted table.
Brandon : Where is HL?
RJ : Umm, I think he is meeting a few friends for dinner
RJ sends SMS to HL to check what time is he reaching wala
HL replies : I'm still with the girls. C u later @ wala's
As expected, HL couldn't turn up and was missed. 2nd set by The UnXpected on saturday was probably one of the most enjoyable and rocking sets so far. In addition to The UnXpected playing expectedly great, the crowd was very responsive too. A few songs that were played in 2nd set - The Beatles Medley (From Me To You, Ticket To Ride, I Wanna Hold Your Hand, Help!), Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love, Deep Purple - Smoke On The Water, Queen - Under Pressure. Vineet very well understood what RJ had been trying to explain for long, after watching The UnXpected live.
Sunday evening at around 2pm RJ calls HL.
RJ : So... What's the plan?
HL : But you saw them yesterday only.
RJ : As if we ever counted :) And Vineet is also going back tonight so it will be good if he can see them again. So?
HL : Suuuuure! ha ha
We don't get to see Joan (Violin, Keyboard) & Colin (Bass Guitar) in Wala so it's always good to visit Muddy Murphy's on Sunday evenings at 4:30pm. Danny (from the ublues group) also jams here often with The UnXpected. I will let pictures do the talking now.
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